Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well t and I finally made it to laos with some difficultys hitch hicking through the boarder towns. we would hitch a couiple of rides then hit a wall when we got close to the boarder so we finally paid a little money and got to pakse. I want to put some pictures up but the internet out here in the small citys are so painfully slow that I can't afford to sit and wait an hour for one pic to up load so soon I will get more up. Laos is really pretty, and quiet clean, I feel like I can relax now after 2 days of border crazy towns trying to get all my money. I have one regret and that is, I wish I would of bought a scooter or motor bike to tour these country, theres just to many random buses and taxis that try so hard to rip us off. When I return to southeast asia I will buy one a guy told us today we could get a good used one for 350 which sooooooo worth it. when we were hitch hicking yesterday(to save money of course) we tryed to catch a truck that was speeding away, but we missed him and got picked up buy a car with three police man, they were super nice and willing to give us a ride so we cruz'd down the road about 30 kilo and there was a truck scatered all over the road the same one we were tyring to catch a ride with, It had rolled a few times, the cops stopped and we got out so they could use there car as an ambulance. The truck was transporting beer and cigarets the cops before helping anyone of the three people that were hurt took what beer they wanted and then helped the people, which was kind of a crazy sight to see. I thank God we didn't catch that truck. who knows maybe we would of been the reason they didn't roll, who know! I'm just grateful to be safe in laos where we'll probably get buses from now on, cause we only have like 5 weeks left and hitching would take 8 at this rate. well i'm off, oh ya so we stayed on the makon river which is a pretty amazing sight to behold, I sat a the peir for about an hour by myself as the sun set last night and felt so peaeful and happy to be here. God bless from Laos

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Foreign police are sooo sketchy! The policia in Mexico tried to charge us $10/gallon for gas but ended up cyphening it back out of Jenny's runner because we refused to pay that much (and we thought we were friends snapping photos, joking, and sharing donuts with them). Ask Jenny for more details.
Be safe.